Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2, 2014

Hello Everyone,
Thank you for returning to the blog every week.
Tomorrow, I return to work to face old challenges and new challenges. It has been a very long year of life changing experiences.  I was faced with an incredible diagnosis and spent the time necessary to face some of the many battles of this war.  I will continue to face breast cancer for the rest of my life.  However, the medicine always me to live my life and control the disease at the same time. 
My life will not revolve around having cancer, but cancer will be a part of my life.  That means I will continue to work and walk and do the things I enjoy doing. That means surrounding myself with positive people who have similar attitudes. It does not mean I ignore my disease; it means I accept it as a part of my life and live because I survive.
Thank you to everyone who offered me support and prayers and love during this time.  I have learned many lessons about relationships and how people share their feelings about cancer.  Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts and experience.
I have to acknowledge the World Series Champions, San Francisco Giants.
I was diagnosed during spring training and began chemotherapy shortly after the season started.  As our team started off well, they, like me, also struggled through a very rough June.  I wore my Giants gear to chemotherapy. I attended games and watched from home.  And they came through in the end.  In the longest playoff series, that included the longest, most exhausting, games, the Giants prevailed.  It is fitting that their season ends as I close out my summer and return to work.
Myself and another "Gamer Babe," both diagnosed with breast cancer in February, believed in our team, watched these games, and we reserve the right to believe our boys won that championship for us.
I spoke at my school this week at their annual Breast Cancer Awareness luncheon.  It was great to share my story with people there, and also be joined by friends and family.  It was a wonderful experience and a sort of closure to a very long year.  I will continue to tell my story and advocate for early detection and an open dialogue with doctors. 
I also attended my last yoga classes and support group at the Cancer Support Community.  The Community has offered me support and education during this time.  I have met some wonderful people and heard many stories of survival.  CSC is a wonderful place for support, for cancer patients, families, children, and caretakers.  All services are free and I recommend their services.
Love, Sosa

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. You are strong and amazing.
