Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday, November 30, 2014
Above is a picture of me holding a bag of six crab.  This Black Friday, I joined a large group of friends on a fishing boat out of Berkeley.  We went fishing all day  near the Farallon Islands.  We learned how to fish for different types of rock cod and everyone on the boat came home with plenty of fish.  I definitely got a little seasick, but powered through.  We had great weather and took some beautiful pictures.
I hope everyone took some time to be thankful this holiday weekend, and contribute to those less fortunate.  You never know when your life could become harder, or you get that call, or you are faced with something unexpected.  Be grateful for the days you have been given.
As we head into December, I want to express my gratitutde to everyone for returning to check in and read the blog.  I am adjusting well to work and an active routine.  This week, I am grateful to be able to exercise more, celebrate lots of birthdays and catch a football game.
I will not be posting another blog until the Sunday after Christmas. I hope you will share my past entries with people who are dealing with any type of cancer, or  chemotherapy, or cancer treatment, or family, or friends.  If you think I can help by sharing my story, please reach out.
For local FREE support groups and services:
Love, Sosa

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful picture. This is what memories are made of. Enjoy. Mom
