Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 24, 2015

Hello Everyone and Welcome Back,

I am happy to report that I found time in a very busy schedule to find a solution to my computer issue. Apparently, five years is "old" for a laptop.  So, I found a good deal, and purchased a new one.  I would not have been able to have a good deal if friends hadn't provided me with sound advice and a portable hard drive. Thank you for that.


I included the picture of the ribbons and the colors in today's blog because I am not sure if the readers were aware of some of them.  It is really interesting to learn there are designations out there for supporting different cancers.  Maybe you didn't know this, or maybe you did. Maybe you saw the magnet on a car or a ribbon on a lapel.  There is support for so many people that may not even know.  This might be a good conversation starter for families and friends who are facing cancer in all its forms.

This week, I have been very busy with work and life. Its exhausting sometimes, and I realize I have to pay attention to my body and abilities.  Facing cancer is hard every day, because it facing the disease, and mortality, and everything that goes with it.  Going through treatment is a different kind of hard, because it is side effects, and trying to adjust to those side effects on a daily basis.  Its a new normal and I have to be aware of what I can say yes or no to doing.  And heed the advice of those who remind me not to do too much.  And only do what I can.  As time passes, I start to feel better and keep engaging in lots of activities.  But, then something happens and my body provides the slow and painful reminder.  But I keep my head up, and take the meds I need. And sleep.

Lastly, lots of my friends are travelling the world this week.  Big things are happening to them in Spain, Italy, and Peru. I wish them well.

Love, Sosa

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