Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 5, 2014
Its the MLB Postseason....This week, I spent some very long, long days rooting on the A's and Giants.  The Wild Card games began a week of playoff baseball, including many "free" extra innings.  I was not as physically exhausted, as  emotionally exhausted.  But Giants fans are used to it.  Many thanks to all those who joined me in watching games; I appreciate those who understand this "Gamer Babe." Thanks, Mom and Dad.
Many of you may have noticed more pink around the stores this week, so thank you for purchasing products that contribute to breast cancer research.  The NFL home teams supported fundraising with pink on uniforms, signage, and ribbons.  Each team had a large group of survivors stand on the field to demonstrate for the cause.  Thanks for the pictures from Levi's Stadium.
It was good this week to feel a little more normal and gain more strength and energy.  During chemotherapy treatment, there was no way I could have walked very far, never mind more than once a week.  It was difficult to enjoy things I usually enjoyed, like spending time with friends, because of my lack of energy and pain level.  I am a little over two months out of chemotherapy, and its great to feel stronger. My pain level is very slowly reducing, and I hope it will be more manageable by the time I return to work.  It was surprising to be able to walk a little faster, but I can only credit my inspirational company. I am adjusting to current cancer medication, aid I can only believe it will continue to work so I can live a long life. I agree with those who observe me stronger, and more like myself.  It was a very long summer, but it was not a "brain transplant."  Among many lessons, this journey has made me "better, but not broken."
I just want to acknowledge some fellow survivors who are still fighting the fight with me.  Some are in chemo, and some are receiving radiation.  The side effects are sometimes seemingly unsurmountable, and unable to be ignored.  Its the bruises and scars that are signs of battle and strength. Conquering the emotional fears are courageous uphill battles that may take years to overcome. Rely on your support system, and ask for help. 
Breast cancer research has developed medicine so women like me can live longer and survive. I can only hope that research will continue to develop so my friends with leukemia and lymphoma can receive bone marrow transplants in the next few months.  I can only hope that the recently diagnosed can benefit from better medicine and more accurate therapies to sustain good quality of life.  And those with returning cancers are receiving better care since their first time around. 
Have a good week,


  1. Now that it is Breast Cancer awareness month I see pink everywhere. The pink color to me represents strength and unity. You have done a great job this summer keeping it all together. You have showed just how strong you can be. Great job! Keep blogging! Joan

  2. 'Bent, not broken" lyric from song sung by, (ironically enough) Pink. You have alluded to a topic that has been weighing heavily on my own heart. I hear stories, often, about how a 'major life event' changed someone's life for the better. How they realized what is REALLY important, the difference between NEED and WANT, most of all find the courage and the TIME to reconnect, no matter the 'cost'. Artists sing about it. Media makes shows about it. I have experienced this 'awakening' in my lifetime, as well. I am left wondering, with SO MANY 'reminders' to LIVE, everyday, how could it be that there is so many people that ALLOW opportunities such as these, slip away? It's like we SEE others tears, failures, and heartbreaks yet still NEGLECT to make PERSONAL strides toward mending 'wounds' in our own life. The one we CAN change, for the better. I feel that each of us has a personal journey filled with lessons meant to shape and guide us. There is a REASON we are who, what, and where we are, When we embrace and accept then PEACE follows. You are AMAZING, Andrea. I love and am so HUMBLED by your eloquence, attitude, knowledge, spirit, and determination. You are my beautiful little sister and the most POWERFUL spokesperson this battle can get. I am intrigued by the EXPLOSION of 'pink', in Oct. I hope people understand WHY and not let the PURPOSE be forgotten the REST of the year, or EVER. Together we ARE better, stronger, and connected. I look forward to seeing you soon. Until then, God bless. May angels watch over us all! Amen
