Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27, 2014
Cycle Six, My Last Chemo
Hello Everyone, and Welcome Back.
As you can see, I completed my last chemotherapy this week.  This is the first of many long steps towards continuing to live a long life.  I knew this would be a long year, and the first five months have been incredibly hard.  Its hard to be off work, and its hard to go through everything I have been faced with.  Its hard every day. 
My positive outlook and realistic perspective have helped me get through the hardest times.  As I enter the next phase of treatment, I will be faced with new information.  This means new feelings, anxiety, and fears.  I was asked how I deal with the "hard times," and I said I allow those feelings to pass through me.  Over my life, I have learned how emotions can drain your energy.  I have learned to acknowledge significant emotions, and allow them to pass.  That means feeling sad or angry or scared.  I believe allowing feelings to build up, or avoiding them, demands more energy and strength than one may realize.  Let them pass, and move on to the next thing. 

I will not have any new information for a few weeks.  My body needs to recover from the chemotherapy cycle.  Just like the other cycles, I am dealing with exhaustion and pain.  The medicine is very "heavy," which makes it difficult to adjust to with each cycle.  I am sluggish and uncomfortable, and the heat is always a "plus."

This week, I attended a caregiver appreciation event at the Cancer Support Community, and a breast cancer fundraiser in Morgan Hill.  Both events acknowledge two important aspects of cancer: support and awareness.  The CSC event was an event where patients and survivors could acknowledge personal or professional caregivers.  I acknowledged Team Sosa at this event with words of "Family, Generosity, and Support."  More of the shirts were delivered this week, and I will never be able to express my gratitude for everyone's support. 

Over the weekend, I joined two high school friends at "Bingo for Breast Cancer" in Morgan Hill.  This event raised funds for breast cancer awareness through raffles, bingo, and auctions.  I was honored to be invited and enjoyed the evening with over 100 people involved in an organization, with thousands of dollars in donations.  It was a hot, long evening, but I enjoyed spending time with good people who are bringing awareness to this disease that threatens so many women, every day.  The funds allow for free mammograms and early detection programs. These fundraising events provide funds to develop the medicines that are helping me today.

I hope everyone has a good week and stays cool.  Thank you for the random photos and for the inspirational messages.  I am doing my part to keep up on my new shows and baseball games and new purses.  Keep the distractions coming my way.

Love, Sosa

1 comment:

  1. Love your purses, love you. Dammit, why are you making me cry now? Should've been another time...or never. You brighten my day, everyday, because you are in my life. Thank you.-Na
