Monday, February 2, 2015

February 1, 2015

Hello Everyone and Welcome Back,

The end of February marks the one year anniversary of my diagnosis.  Its crazy to think about how much has happened this year and how much my life has changed.

One of the best things that has happened this year is the development of support from my friends.  There are plenty of people who reminded me all year that no one fights alone.  I remember daily text messages to check in, and inspirational quotes and prayers. I received visits and blessings from so many people in my community.  I welcomed new friends and renewed relationships.

My friends showed me their growth and compassion and generosity.  While I learned to accept my diagnosis and unknown future, these people were supportive by keeping me company and listening to what I was facing. 

As this anniversary comes upon me, I reflect on how relationships have grown and become more important.  Some friends have become much closer.  Some friends have distanced themselves for a variety of reasons.  What I appreciate most is those who reminded me that I am still me, no matter how I look.  I thank those who treated me as normal as possible, and didn't forget about me as the year went on. 

I remember the times people were most real with me.  Honesty for some, became easier.  While a lot of people confided in me about their cancer experiences, some spoke with me about other personal experiences.  I am grateful to have been there for friends who needed me as much as I still need them. 

With honesty and compassion comes forgiveness.  Anyone can tell you, I am someone who can be a great friend, but I am in no way infallible.   Cancer doesn't make all your sins forgiven. I still make mistakes.  I say the wrong thing or make the wrong choice for myself.  I fault because I lead with my heart, which means I am sensitive and I take things just as hard. I am grateful for those who are closest to me who can be direct with me when necessary. What should also be acknowledged is the ability of my friends to communicate expectations and forgive.

I surround myself with the best people.  I do not fight alone.

Love, Sosa

My next blog will be February 22, 2015.  I hope you return.

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